Tuesday 10 April 2012


BRACE YOURSELF FOR A SUPER LONG POST. I'm already typing like crazy.

So before i begin, i just want to say that i am not referring to those teenagers who are in depression or are super distressed over their everyday lives. Because there is not much adults can learn from them, other than how they cope with stress, which in this case, is another topic. I am actually referring to those teenagers that are leading a happy life. SO HERE GOES : 

First of all, by saying that adults should learn from teenagers,  we’re not saying that we shouldn’t learn from adults because WE SHOULD! But as we continue to learn from them, adults should also be open to new perspectives, as there is a lot they can learn from us too. 

Teenagers don’t hide what we feel. Unlike adults, we don’t really keep our emotions inside us. Okay. Take for instance, teenagers hug people to encourage or comfort them. I KNOW I HUG MY FRIENDS FOR MORAL SUPPORT ALL THE TIME. However, most grown-ups in our society are not huggers and that's okay, nobody wants a scary guy on the MRT hugging you. But when was the last time you saw an adult hugging her BEST FRIEND, just because? 

Next, laughter they say is the best medicine. It lights up the face and spreads warmth wherever and whomever it touches. We laugh a lot especially when we are happy. We have infectious laughter and can do the funniest things, we drive adults up the wall to the point of insanity and yet cheer them up when they’re feeling down. Adulthood makes them serious because life can be tough and if they are not serious they will lose their focus and direction. Therefore, i feel that adults should learn how to live in the moment and show their excitement. Fun is more fun when it's shared so show people how happy they make you. 

Next, don’t be judgemental. People our age do not judge a book by its cover. We do not discern between race, religion, colour or gender. Adults are quick to judge because of their own insecurities and ignorance. 

Learning to be more accepting of people in general is a good way to overcome a lot of barriers in our society today.

Also, teenagers like us, love to ask questions, in fact, we do it on a daily basis. Though our questions can sometimes be overly personal or nonsensical but we’re never afraid to ask when they don't know something. Therefore, adults could learn this from us and ask whenever they don’t know something, they shouldn't be afraid that this made "downgrade" who they are. (不耻下问 YAA KNOWW) Chances are they weren't the only one wondering anyhow.

All day long we hear from adults  "Don't do this" or "Please do that" and not only do we accept this but also seek it out. Most adults however, feel offended when someone disagrees with them or tell them not to do something. 

 this blog is hilarious

If they could take criticism and correction well, 90% of the conflicts they have among one another could’ve been avoided.

Lastly, it is to lead a worry free life. Easier said than done. Being an adult comes with a lot of responsibility. Like making ends meet, putting food on the table, paying the bills. All these factors which appear to have become a reality in the current economic climate make "a life free of worry", a concept easy to imagine, but almost impossible to put into practise. Most adults’ lives are also  ruled with the disappointments and frustrations of 'what ifs' and 'had I known'. Fear is disruptive, it causes retrogression and not progress. It eats into our confidence and stops us from pursuing what we desire. However, most teenagers do not have a care in the world. They live for the day and not worry about tomorrow. Therefore, i feel that maybe adults can try to relax and live for today with the belief that "tomorrow will take care of itself".

In conclusion, although most of the time we may  seem like little devils,  we are actually ANGELS that can teach adults a lot about how we can better their life. Yes, most of the time we do weird stuff that puts adults off, but unknowingly and without a clue WE ALSO  allow adults to explore things that they tend to forget as they grow into adulthood.

 this blog is epic

OH AND MOST OF THE STUFF HERE ARE WRITTEN BASED ON THE PERSONAL ACCOUNTS OF ADULTS THAT I’VE GOTTEN FROM THE INTERNET SO DON’T SAY THAT I’M ASSUMING BECAUSE I AM NOT :D and sorry if this post is kind of wordy. yes. i wasted your time, but at least the gifs were cute right? :b


  1. Thank you for your post.
    Firstly, in your first paragraph, you had stated that you were referring to happy teenagers. However, what is your definition of happy? How can you verify that these teenagers are considered happy? Teenagers may not necessarily be happy even if they show it on the outside.

    Secondly, you had also stated that adults do not show their true emotions as much as teenagers do. Why do you say that? Do you have any proof that can verify this assumption that adults show less emotions than teenagers? Sometimes, teenagers are actually the ones who prefer not to show their true emotions instead of vice versa.

    Lastly, you had also said that adults judge more than us teenagers do. What would be an example to prove that adults do as such? Sometimes, it may be us teenagers who are in fact judging more than adults do.



    Well, happy is feeling or showing contentment. I feel that most of the times, teenagers, including myself are too complacent. We don't appreciate what we have. To be honest, we have no right to feel unhappy. We have EVERYTHING. So we should be happy.

    I say teenagers show their emotions more as now, we have social networking platforms. From there, we can actually see teenagers post quotes and pictures about how they feel. Whereas adults, don't really use social networking websites to post how they feel. Yes, they may have accounts but they don't post how they feel about things like us right?

    By judging i meant like race and stuff. SO OKAY. For one thing, we study in a multi-racial school. Okay, like example uh. My best friends are non-chinese. So you know, im perfectly fine with playing and stuff with them. BUT okay no offence, but my family members are kind of racist.

    My aunt told me that (--) should and cannot be trusted as they liked to betray you and (--) are really lazy people. WHICH IS LIKE SUPER WRONG BECAUSE I KNOW THEY'RE NOT. Adults judge as they think they are right, they hear stories from the past and instead of getting to know more people just pass of remark without realizing that they are judging AND STEREOTYPING.

    Yup. I agree that teenagers judge. LIKE EVERYONE'S POSTING "You know my name not my story." EVERYWHERE nowadays. THIS IS LIKE PROOF THAT SHOWS teenagers thinking that other teenagers are judging them. SO THIS IS WHERE I THINK WE CAN ALL LEARN FROM ONE ANOTHER AND STOP JUDGING. IF YOU REALLY HAVE TO JUDGE THEN KEEP THOSE COMMENTS TO YOURSELF RIGHT? :b

    - Li-Shann
